Ogonek & Mahler

7:30PM, Saturday, August 20, 2022
2:00PM, Sunday, August 21, 2022
ELIZABETH OGONEK:Starling Variations* [regional premiere]
*Co-commissioned with the Boston Symphony for Tanglewood
GUSTAV MAHLER:Symphony No. 5

Our inaugural composer-in-residence, Elizabeth Ogonek, opens this finale celebration with a grand fanfare, co-commissioned with the Boston Symphony for the Tanglewood Festival. Then, Gustav Mahler’s titanic Fifth Symphony brings the season to a triumphant close. “A symphony must be like the world, it must embrace the world,” Mahler once said, and this closing concert embraces the community of artists and music lovers that make the Lakes Area Music Festival possible.

Read Program Notes

Featured Artists

Christian Reif
Music Director
Elizabeth Ogonek
Wyatt Underhill
Violin, San Francisco Symphony

COVID Protocols:

COVID safety protocols for the summer season will be adjusted accordingly as the season approaches and communicated to all ticket holders.

Our Saturday performance is sponsored in part by Bercher Design and Construction, and Cragun's Resort and Legacy Golf Courses.
Our Sunday performance is sponsored in part by Sourcewell.

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