Saturday, August 21, 2021, 7:30PM
Sunday, August 22, 2021, 2:00PM
Bedřich Smetana“The Moldau” from Má vlast (My Fatherland)
Jimmy López BellidoPago a la Tierra [world premiere]
Jean SibeliusSymphony No. 2 in D Major
The “Pago a la Tierra” (tribute to the earth) is an ancient Andean ritual of thanksgiving for nature’s bounty. In this spirit, the Lakes Area Music Festival closes its season with a celebration of the gifts we have all enjoyed. A world premier by Peruvian-American composer Jimmy López is followed by the Second Symphony of Jean Sibelius, a work inspired by the Apennine mountains of Italy.
Featured Artists

Christian Reif

Jimmy López Bellido
Saturday's concert is sponsored in part by Sourcewell; and Cragun's Resort and Legacy Golf Courses.
Sunday's concert is sponsored in part by Hunt Utility Group and Happy Dancing Turtle; and Frandsen Bank and Trust.