On the Road to MN Opera

Sunday, February 12, 2023, 2:00PM
Gaetano Donizetti:The Daughter of the Regiment
Sung in French, with English supertitles
For tickets, click below or call 218-831-0765 for assistance. Tickets also available at the door.

Join us On the Road to Minnesota Opera!

Our On the Road series brings our LAMF superfans together to experience the other world-class ensembles Minnesota has to offer. Not only do those trips provide coach bus transport to amazing Twin Cities venues, but they also include a one-of-a-kind dining experience joined by the artists we'll see on stage! Hop on the bus in Brainerd, or join us in the Twin Cities, and experience classical music without the hassle of driving, parking, and navigating.


Ticket includes:

  • Ticket to the Minnesota Opera's final performance of Gaetano Donizetti's The Daughter of the Regiment at the Ordway Center in downtown St. Paul.
  • Pre-performance brunch at the Woman's Club of Minneapolis, LAMF's Twin Cities home. We'll be joined by guests from Minnesota Opera who will give a glimpse behind the scenes of this production.
  • Coach bus transportation, leaving Brainerd at 8 a.m. and returning around 7 p.m. For those already in the Twin Cities, ticket options are available to join us at the Woman's Club and Ordway (parking not included).

Concert Information:

More information about this particular production, including cast, biographies, and synopsis are available at the Minnesota Opera's website.

All Festival activities are made possible by the voters on Minnesota through grants from the Five Wings Arts Council and Minnesota State Arts Board, through a legislative appropriation from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.

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