Future Proof: Estate Planning and Charitable Giving 101

Tuesday, September 26, 2023, 5:30PM

Join Ginny Knudson from BSKK LawTerri Foster from the Brainerd Lakes Area Community Foundation, and Mark Ruhl of Ameriprise Financial for a workshop designed to help you secure your future and sustain your impact in the community.

Learn how thoughtful estate planning can protect your family, and discover savvy charitable giving strategies that can multiply and sustain your philanthropic impact far into the future.


Who is this workshop for?

  1. Someone thinking about estate planning for the first time
  2. Anyone with a will that is more than 5 years old, or who has experienced a big life change
  3. Everyone who wants to make a lasting impact in their community

Learn more about planned giving to the Lakes Area Music Festival.

Ginny Knudson
Terri Foster
Brainerd Lakes Area Community Foundation
Mark Ruhl
CRPC, Ameriprise Financial
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